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Histamine Intolerance: Understanding Its Cause and Symptoms
If you find yourself struggling with allergy-like symptoms, popping antihistamines like Tic Tacs, or just think there's the possibility you might be getting a reaction but can't quite pinpoint it, then this blog is for you. Let’s start with understanding what histamine is and how it works in the human body. What is Histamine Histamine is a natural compound in the body that can also be found in a certain food. It is released by cells in the body for many important functions. It triggers the release of gastric acid in the stomach to regulate the digestive system. It acts as a neurotransmitter which is very important in the brain function and nervous system. It is the body defense mechanism that signals the immune cells to fight foreign invaders. It also plays a key role in our alertness. So when people take an antihistamine such as Benadryl, Zyrtec, Claritin, and any other Loratrodine derivatives, they often feel drowsy because these antihistamine molecules are blocking the histamine that allows us to be alert. Histamine intolerance: Understanding Its Cause and Symptoms Histamine intolerance is not an allergy to histamine itself, but a sign that the body has too much histamine. As described above, Histamine is very important in our body but most people think of it as a problem. What they don’t realize is that histamine only becomes a problem when the body has too much of it, an overload. Your body has two enzymes that keep levels in check, naturally allowing it to process and metabolize excess histamine build-up . Diamine oxidase (DAO) is one of the enzymes that help break down excess histamine in our body. It is released when eating food that is rich in histamine. For some people with DAO deficiency, their body may not be able to produce enough DAO to break down excess histamine. When the body accumulates too much histamine, you will have a buildup of histamine that develops to Histamine Intolerance which is commonly associated with food allergies. Histamine N-methyltransferase (HNMT) is the second histamine-metabolizing enzyme expressed in the central nervous system. This plays an important role in degrading histamine and in regulating the airway response to histamine. Symptoms of Histamine Intolerance? Symptoms of histamine intolerance may look like an allergic reaction but the only way to be sure is to have a medical test. You may experience sneezing, hives on the skin, itch, flushed skin, red eyes b ut most alarming is when histamine contributes to anaphylaxis, a severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction… Histamine intolerance is something you may be living with, but you don't have to! To address the symptoms, people usually go to drug stores for antihistamine. This is a huge mistake, not just masking the symptom of the bigger underlying problem but also putting your long term health at risk. Antihistamines will reduce your body’s response to higher levels of histamine, but they will also inhibit your alertness, cognition and in some cases can cause permanent memory loss. [1] It can help but they also can inhibit the function of the enzymes which metabolize histamines. It could be that you're reducing the amount of DAO in your body that's actually able to metabolize the build-up of histamine in your body. Instead of treating the symptom, you should be looking at the root cause, solving the source of the problem, not just addressing the symptoms and putting Band-Aids on the broken situation. Understanding its root cause and how to treat it is a valuable step toward greater vitality and lowering this response in your body. In this case, histamine intolerance is typically something you can actually work on through your diet. There are a lot of foods that are higher in histamine. If you suspect that you have histamine intolerance then adjusting your diet to minimize your consumption of the histamine rich foods is one of the best steps to treat this. You don’t have to completely stop eating these (although once you experience lower histamine and how you feel you may realize they’re not worth it) but be careful and limit your consumption of the foods that could trigger the build-up of your histamine. Rich-histamine Foo ds and Beverages Eggplant, Avocado, Spinach, Tomatoes, Beans Aged Fruits (Pineapple, Bananas, Most Citrus fruits, Nuts) Dried fruits like apricots, prunes, dates, figs, raisins Some fish ( mackerel, anchovies, sardines , tuna..etc) Pork, Sausages, Bone broth All Fermented foods ( sauerkraut, vinegar, soy sauce, kefir, yogurt, kombucha) Eggs, Cheese Green Tea Alcohol Vinegar and vinegar containing foods like olives and pickles Sour foods like sour cream, buttermilk, sourdough bread Leftovers Chocolate Cured or Smoked Meats *Take note I’ve bolded many popular Carnivore Diet items which can still be exceptionally high in histamine. One should be careful with how to consume and prepare these items, and in some cases consider eliminating, especially if you’re sensitive and experiencing high histamine symptoms. In general, aged, preserved, and fermented foods have much higher histamine while fresh meat, fresh fruits, and vegetables have much lower histamine. The other thing is to consider adding in something that can fuel your kidneys to help them produce more DAO . You can supplement the kidney. If I know I’m personally going to be consuming a higher histamine diet I will proactively add in kidney supplements with those foods. Consider ancestral supplements kidney . The main takeaways here are: histamine intolerance is something to be treated at the source, not masked. Histamine plays key functions in our alertness, immune function, and overall vitality. The primary causes are foods and environment (allergens). We have great control to reduce several of these variables and by avoiding these things, our bodies will naturally heal and thrive without the side effects and long term consequences of consuming antihistamines.
How I Tripled My Testosterone Level in 3 Weeks
Testosterone is a hormone produced by the human body that is an anabolic steroid.. Although it is a hormone men are more focused on females also need and produce a small amount of testosterone. It is often associated with our sex drives and it plays an important roles in several other key health functions. The normal range of testosterone may vary depending on your age and if you’re male or female. For males, healthy ranges are usually between 300 - 1000 ng/dL while for females, it is 20 - 80 ng/dL. Testosterone levels decrease naturally as you age, however there are things that you can do to boost or maintain the amount of testosterone levels in your body. I’ve checked my testosterone levels several times since going on the Carnivore Diet.. Testosterone levels in the human body fluctuate depending on the time of day. Normally, levels peak hour early in the day. Testing it around 2 hours after you wake up could be a lot higher than testing it later in the afternoon. To get more accurate results, I was consistently taking a lab test around 3-4 hours post wake up. 6 months before I started the carnivore diet my total testosterone level was 687.5 ng/dL. After being on a carnivore diet for about 5 months, it went down to 315 which is on the low side. Generally, healthy levels are above 500 for someone of my body fat and age, and ideally north of 600 a few hours post wake. After I had my results, I decided to make a few adjustments to optimize my testosterone levels and I was successful. I was able to raise it from 315 to 911 in just a few weeks. Here's How Tripled My Testosterone Level in 3 Weeks 1. Increased my calories I was on OMAD (One Meal A Day) for about 6-8 weeks leading to my fasted blood draw when I did my first test being on a Carnivore Diet. I was doing 22 hours fast and eating around 1800 - 2000 calories a day and saw my bloodwork result with a lower testosterone level of 315 ng/dL. After tracking and looking at my macros, I found that my actual daily target for calories at 155 lbs of weight is 2600-2700 calories a day. So I was around 20-30% lower than the actual energy consumption I needed. Eating at a deficit led me to think that my body was less interested in building and more interested in conserving. .I decided to open my eating window to increase my calories at a higher level. I still do a fast but only for 12-16 hours instead of doing a 22 hour. Caloric restriction can be great for longevity. Doing OMAD can be awesome for certain things like cancer prevention, disease and cleaning up the body for repair, but too much restriction could also affect your hormones, reduce your fertility, and weaken your energy levels. It can be beneficial in a short period of time but if you’re looking to have optimized testosterone for libido, recovery for strength and for building muscle mass, you’ll want to avoid being in a deficit. 2. Increased my Fat intake I was eating a lot of steak and red meat when I discovered that the actual fat macro percentage in my diet and the amount of calories I was getting from fat was only around 50%. I decided to up my fat intake 70-80% of my calories to see if this would improve my hormones. To do this I started adding in egg yolks. I also discovered suet and beef fat prior. Before, I was eating Tallow which was rendered melted processed fat and I found that my gut would get uneasy and feel discomfort when I eat too much liquid fat. I believe that when you’re eating fat that has been liquified or melted down and processed, it releases more bile salts from your gallbladder and hits your small intestine quicker and triggers your gut and your body isn’t adapted to handle fat in that way. But if it’s raw and not melted, I can eat 100g of suet, 900 calories of fat in one serving without having any problem with gut issues. After I added egg yolks, suet and fat trimming into my diet, my fat macro increased from 50% to 70-80% and I started noticing more energy. Having 20-30% of protein and 70-80% of fat is more ketogenic than having 50% of protein and 50% fat. 3. Optimized my Sleep Sleep is one of the most important things to hormone health. Getting to bed between 9 and 10 at night is the most optimal approach because it allows you to hit the 10pm to 2am window when your hormones and your recovery sleep are most optimized. Going to bed earlier certainly can be the best way to get the best quality of sleep, but in my experience it's also the fastest to create anxiety and destroy a social life and just limit your opportunity to hang out with people and socialize. It’s a challenge because if you’re trying to optimize your sleep, it’s important to have a consistent sleep schedule and you have a deep sleep regimen but you don’t want to feel anxiety of not being able to socialize. In this case I really focused on getting 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. I tried to keep it more consistent. I also wore bluelight blocking glasses to respect my melatonin production. I use RaOptics or Uvex safety goggles once the sun is down and you’re exposed to artificial blue light. The idea here is that when the sun goes down, the eye in the human body is not supposed to be seeing blue lights from exposures to screens, computers, laptops, TVs and cell phones. When your eyes are exposed to bluelight it prevents your body from realizing that it’s time to produce hormones that allow you to recover and get deeper sleep, producing more testosterone. I recommend wearing blue blockers during the evening hours, a few hours prior to sleep to help your body realize that it’s time for you to produce the right hormones and get the right amount of sleep to optimize your testosterone production. Going out wearing blue blocking glasses could be a lot better than going out with no protection and just experiencing all the bluelight directly in your eyes. Without it, you’re just signalling to your body to stay up and mess up your hormone production that needs to produce testosterone. Sleep is definitely one of the main things your body uses to clean out your brain and recover your body. And the majority of testosterone is produced while you’re sleeping. When you deprive yourself of sleep studies [..] show that you’re actually reducing your testosterone. There are so many reasons to focus on sleep. I actually wrote a book titled Sound Sleep that dives deep into sleep optimization, insomnia and the benefits in our body. Ultimately quality sleep is critical to achieve optimal health. Those are the three main things I did that tripled my testosterone levels in just 3 weeks. I was retested around 3-4 months after and was over 700. I’m fairly confident if you implement these adjustments you’ll notice improvements for yourself. Other things you can do to boost testosterone Get foods Rich in Zinc and Magnesium Zinc - is an essential mineral that is present in our body which supports your immune system. It has a lot of benefits in our body such as fighting off infections, producing cells and increasing your testosterone levels. Zinc deficiency causes delayed sexual maturation, impotence and hypogonadism in males. Zinc is rich in the Carnivore Diet. You can start eating foods that are rich in zinc such as oysters, red meat and poultry. Don’t be fooled by the misleading low bioavailability of high zinc levels in plant foods. Many of these foods also have phytic acid when consumed which binds to this critical mineral. Get Saturated Fat Saturated fat has been demonized by epidemiologists for decades. They’ve been linking it to a cardiovascular disease for decades. But the evidence on the health effects of saturated fat intake is far from conclusive. In fact, it plays a lot of vital roles in our body chemistry such as improving the immune system, protecting us against free radical damage and increasing the testosterone productions. Here are some of the healthy food where you can get high saturated fat: Get Sunlight We already know that sunlight triggers the production of Vitamin D which regulates the absorption of calcium. UVB from sun exposure on your skin is the biggest source of Vitamin D3. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin but it’s not just a vitamin, it is a prohormone. It’s actually a precursor of all hormones. It operates like a leader in the hormones in the body. It is critical in your immune system and your testosterone levels. You can get Vitamin D from a small number of foods but the majority of it comes from sunlight. Forget about your skin doctor who only concerns themself with protecting your skin, the overall benefits of sun exposure far outweigh the small risks of skin exposure. Limit Alcohol Alcohol is one of the worst things you can consume if you’re looking to optimize your testosterone levels. Consider minimizing consumption. It disrupts your body’s natural hormones, it disrupts sleep, it is toxic in your body and it’s high in histamine. It can be fun and create social bonding but if you’re dealing with testosterone issues, considering cutting back on alcohol. Cut Out Refined Carbs & Sugar Refined carbohydrates and seed oils destroy human health and have been shown to reduce testosterone levels. People who reduce these often see improvements in testosterone levels as well. Not to mention a whole slew of other health benefits beyond just improved T. And that covers a LOT of the major variables to naturally raising your testosterone levels. If you do these things, not only will see increases in T, but you’ll also see improvements in several other areas, energy, recovery and libido. If you found this helpful, please share it, subscribe to our newsletter, Youtube channel and follow me on IG to keep up with the lastest things I’m testing. @KarnivoreKurt
Carnivore Diet Result: 12 Months Bloodwork
It was over a year ago when I started the Carnivore Diet and I think it is a tremendously powerful tool for a lot of individuals who are suffering from anxiety, gut issues, and autoimmune disease. I myself was suffering from gut issues and anxiety and I really didn’t know what to do until I learned how to get optimized through the Carnivore Diet. What is the Carnivore Diet? The Carnivore Diet is the elimination of most common foods such as fruits and vegetables. It is a diet constructed purely of animal foods. Yes, you read that right. Carnivore Diet means eating only meat and other animal-derived foods such as fish, dairy and eggs. Many individuals who are interested in this diet may have concerns that it is unhealthy and incomplete. For those concerned, I've pulled my bloodwork to show you how it affects my body and how the biomarkers have evolved after being carnivore for over a year. If you are as skeptical as I was of the Carnivore diet and the risks of removing fruits and vegetables in order to get complete nutrition then this article may help by sharing more specifics, my lab results and their interpretation with Dr. Paul Saladino (CarnivoreMD) Carnivore Diet Result: 12 Months Bloodworks Before digging into my lab results, let’s first dive into understanding some of the most common markers you may want to check. High-sensitivity C-Reactive Protein ( hs-CRP ) It is used to detect an increase in protein in the blood. High CRP is a non-specific inflammatory marker that the liver produces in response to inflammation the body is reacting to. hs-CRP Reference Range:
Optimal: less than 1.0 mg/L
Moderate: 1.0 to 3.0 mg/L
High: above 3.0 mg/L I did a lab test back in June 2019 and my CRP was higher. It was borderline 2.9. At the time I was likely training too often and my sleep was not well regulated. After a few months making these adjustments, it went down to <0.3 in my labs in October 2019. This is a valuable test as inflammation is likely a large culprit to many of the modern health issues we see in people today. Lab test October 2019 Lab test June 2019 Lipids are referred to as fats and oil. These are molecules that make up the building blocks of the structure and functions of living cells. A standard lipid panel includes total cholesterol, LDL-C, HDL-C, and TG. Cholesterol is a type of lipid that is considered by many to be harmful at higher levels but it actually plays an important function in our body. It is a fat-like substance made by your liver and also comes from foods you intake . It is a molecule for building hormones, making vitamin D3, and making a substance that helps you digest food called bile. In addition, the brain requires a large amount of cholesterol it makes locally in order to thrive. There are two types of Cholesterol: HDL (High-density lipoprotein) = referred to as Good cholesterol LDL (Low-density lipoprotein) = referred to as Bad cholesterol HDL cholesterol is also referred to as the "good" cholesterol because it returns excess cholesterol to your liver which helps remove other forms of cholesterol from your bloodstream thus it may lower your risk of heart attack, stroke, and other health problems. Because the Carnivore diet is exclusively animal foods, there are more fats. For decades epidemiologists have demonized saturated fats. Seeing individuals who have higher levels of health issues also have higher levels of cholesterol. The ”bad” cholesterol #s and on a traditional higher carb diet would see elevated levels of lipids when their bodies were stress. With the influx and success of high-fat diets in more recent years, many recent studies have challenged the idea of linking that cholesterol is the cause of heart disease. The evidence supporting the link between higher lipid #'s and a higher risk of heart disease is extremely shaky. In fact, new research is coming out showing the opposite. [1] Based on my research, doctors have focused myopically on these #’s and thrown the baby out with the bath water. Diets higher in fats require more lipids because fats cannot travel in blood on their own, they are like oil in water and require cholesterol to be properly moved around the human body. Fat molecules bind to these lipoproteins that function as transport vehicles carrying different types of fats such as cholesterol, triglycerides, and phospholipids. It only means that cholesterol is just only one of the many components of lipoproteins to consider. Triglycerides are another type of lipids. These are likely energy boats of extra calories. Triglycerides are released between meals to produce energy into your bloodstream. Individuals with higher fasted triglycerides may have metabolic dysfunction, it is a strong indicator of metabolic dysfunction and CVD. [1] When a healthy individual completes a fasted blood draw there should be lower levels of fat molecules circulating around transporting energy. The energy is supposed to be stored efficiently but is not when triglycerides are elevated. When you see people with metabolic syndrome, prediabetic, their fasted triglycerides are often elevated. They have higher levels of triglycerides circulating in their body and it's a sign that their body isn’t as efficient at utilizing and storing energy. Now we look into my lab result in the image below ( Lab test October 2019 ) , my total cholesterol is above the range at 303 however this is no uncommon on an animal-based diet with higher levels of fats. My LDL is 209 and my HDL is 77 and the fasted t riglycerides shows 61. Somewhat valuable is the triglyceride to HDL ratio. My lab showed my TG/HDL-C of 0.8. The ideal TG/HDL-C ratio is below 2.0 while above 3 indicates a significant risk of heart attack and stroke. For me, I’m less concerned with this ratio, but I am concerned with fasted tri’s and do believe high levels of HDL are protective [..] TG/HDL-C ratio may be a strong marker to see the risk for the development of coronary disease . [..] Given that my TG/HDL-C is quite low, having LDL off the range is not a pattern of metabolic dysfunction. It is a pattern of a ketogenic diet. Looking at my labs below from June 2019, we see my results. Lab test October 2019 Lab test June 2019 Some lipid researchers feel strongly total lipids are less important than the specific particles and their specific sizes. I tend to agree with their hypotheses. That said, there just isn’t enough strong evidence to support what causes CVD and lipids are unlikely the cause. Moving to the Metabolic results. Glucose is another name of sugar that gives energy in our bodies in the form of carbohydrates.Foods high in glucose include fruits, veggies, and grains. Protein can also be used for energy, but the first job is to help with making hormones, muscle, and other proteins.Glucose is important but too much glucose can also cause problems. High level of glucose increased the risk of many diseases, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure My blood sugar is within range. I'm eating a fat heavy diet but my liver is still creating glucose and providing a supply. Insulin is a hormone that is responsible for allowing glucose to enter cells throughout your body. Insulin and glucose blood levels must be in balance. Another highlighted number in my bloodwork result below is the TMAO ( Trimethylamine N-oxide). TMAO ( Trimethylamine N-oxide) has more recently come out as a demonized molecule that is being considered a risk factor of cardiovascular disease. People like to link it to eating red meat but there the data is limited. Generally, it is produced by gut bacteria and can be found in meat, eggs, and fish and we know that fish consumption has been linked with positive outcomes of CVD.. Homocysteine is an amino acid present in your body which can be found from meat, fish, cheese and other dairy products. Insufficient level of vitamins B6, B12, and folate will elevate Homocysteine . Glycine from collagen and connective tissue can also help normalize levels. High level of Homocysteine may be linked to a higher risk cardiovascular and metabolic disease risk. Coenzyme Q10(CoQ10) is an antioxidant in the human cell that provides protection and support for mitochondria. It plays an important role in the production of energy. High sources of dietary coenzyme Q10 include Organ meats: Heart, liver and kidney, some muscle meats: Pork, beef and chicken, Fatty fish: Trout, herring, mackerel and sardines. Vit B12 (Cobolamin) is a water-soluble vitamin that supports the normal function of your nerve cells and red blood cell formation , cell metabolism, and DNA synthesis. Our body cannot produce Vit B12. Naturally, it is found in animal products, including fish, meat, poultry, and dairy products. Animals not consuming other animals get it from soil and the feces and manure in the ground. In some cases species will even it their own waste to source it. Vitamin D is responsible for the absorption of calcium. It also has a role in your nervous, muscle, and immune systems. Our body produces Vitamin D in response to sun exposure. It can also be found in a small number of foods. My homocysteine, Co-Q10, vitamin D, and B12 were robust, especially Co-Q10. I typically see levels higher of other carnivores. Meat is a great source of Co-Q10, especially heart. My fatty acids results are all within healthy reference ranges as well. The rest of the Non-Cardiometabolic results are fairly consistent with references Another number to look at is my Ferritin . It was 417 which is quite high and this is likely due to increased consumption of heme animal form iron my body is hanging on to.. Ferritin measures the amount of stored iron in your body but it can also be a measure of inflammation and other factors . For Carnivores, especially males who may have a propensity to hold on to ferritin I would consider testing your levels and donating blood if you find them climbing. For Carnivores, especially males who may have a propensity to hold on to ferritin I would consider testing your levels and donating blood if you find them climbing. A side note to this is that I carry a genetic polymorphism for hemochromatosis which probably steers me to hold on to even more iron levels. One thing I want to highlight here is my Testosterone. I was over 600 when I pulled it 6 months before I became a carnivore and after doing carnivore for 7.5 months it went down to 315 and that's a substantial decrease. My fat consumption was only 50%, it wasn't 70-80% and I was doing one meal a day fairly calorie-restricted to around 2,000 calories leading up to this panel. So I had an assumption that higher calories and fat intake would improve my Testosterone and I pulled my blood again later in July and you can see in the image below that it went up to over 900 and then again in October and it was over 700. Lab test June 2019 Lab test July 2019 Lab test October 2019 The rest of the results were normal. If you want to see my full review of this bloodwork video, you can check out my YouTube video below.
ChiliPAD vs OOLER Sleep System Review
I believe we all want optimized, efficient, deeply restorative sleep setting us up to be our very best mentally and physically. As you all know this website is all about ways to optimize ancestrally. Sleep is one of the biggest levers to do this. Having a unique sleep system that can warm you up, cool you down or do both at the same time would be a great help to have a restorative sleep. In the last couple of years I've grown to realize how valuable sleep is and how much of an impact it had on my overall mental health, entrepreneurial performance as well as physical performance. Top performers like Lebron James, Roger Federer, these guys sleep for 10-12 hours per night during extreme competitions.
For me I've learned to realize that going to bed early certainly can be the best way to get the best quality of sleep, but in my experience it's also the fastest to create anxiety and destroy a social life and just limit your opportunity to hang out with people and socialize. The idea here is that ancestrally, we were sleeping in a less controlled temperature environment. If you think about it, light and temperature are huge players in the way your body clock works. If you can control both the light and temperature in a way where you can simulate outdoor light and temperature, you're going give your body the most ancestrally consistent environment to produce and recover in sleep. Red light hues from fire would have been consistent with the colors we saw prior to bed. The other thing we would have seen is a temperature drop throughout the night until just before dawn. In our homes we have thermostats to control room temperatures. We can control the temperature and lots of people want to live in a very warm cozy environment and that's comfortable but it’s not consistent.
What chiliPAD does is it allows you to cool down the surface temperature of your bed. I’ve purchased 3-4 gel toppers over the past 12 months testing this. None of them really worked to keep the surface cool, they're just there if you have a crappy bed and you're not dealing with a high quality material.
I n general the best way to get the best quality cooling effect is going to be looking at something like a chiliPAD. There are other products on the market but chiliPAD has been the Gold standard from what I have learned and studied. ChiliPAD is much more effective. Since June 2019, I've been sleeping on a ChiliPad and switching back and forth between the ChiliPAD and OOLER Sleep Systems. The idea here is that these systems are cooling the underlined portion of your bed. They're running a water-cooled element through the mattress topper that they've created with pumps that circulate the water and take away the heat from your body. In this post, I will break down the differences between the two of them, why you might want to use them and what my personal experience has been along with my overall recommendation on which is better. ChiliPAD vs OOLER The ChiliPAD has been around for years and has been admired by top performers for improving sleep quality. This sleep system from chili technology was invented by the couple Todd and Tara way back 2007. It heats and cools your bed through the use of water. OOLER on the other hand, is their latest sleep system. According to the chili technology's website, this is the most advanced and most luxurious sleep system. ChiliPAD and OOLER are very similar, the device shares the same core technology. Both units are comprised of a hydro-powered mattress pad with a thermal range that operates from 55-115°F (13-46°C)* helping encourage quality, restorative sleep. Here's the difference... The chili cube comes with a remote control to update temperature. It's very simple and straightforward. It's a taller unit, it makes a little bit more noise. The OOLER cube, on the other hand can be integrated with bluetooth. Their OOLER app allows for sleep schedules, UV water cleaning and noise control with 3 speed settings. It runs from silent mode to regular mode to boost mode for times when you need to quickly change the temperature. When it comes to the cube, I like the OOLER because of its greater control of temperatures and lower ambient noise. You don't have an app with the ChiliPad unit so you just don't get the freedom to adjust the temperature throughout the night while you're sleeping. Overall the OOLER is going to have much better features and the unit itself looks much better. In terms of the mattress Pad, the chiliPAD topper felt cooler and chiller. It didn't feel quite as comfortable and cozy because the OOLER gel topper has a soft felt fabric and it seems thinner but it seems like it may have less tubes and less elements. Both pads can be connected to all other cubes so I tried running the chili cube to the OOLER topper and vice versa I didn't notice a difference in cooling performance from either cube. Meaning the cube itself, the actual unit doesn't seem to be affecting the coolness. In my opinion if you already have a chiliPAD I don't think there's a lot of reasons to upgrade to the OOLER system topper. The units of the OOLER are great, it's quieter, it has different modes and it has app integration so you can schedule in. If you are just comparing it side by side, I think the chiliPAD system is better value and it performs better. The Pad itself of the chiliPAD is the real x-factor as it feels noticeably cooler and seems to do a better job cooling its surface. But the OOLER cubes are quieter and have more features. My overall recommendation is to get the ChiliPad sleep system in its entirety. Down the line, consider upgrading just the cubes. You can reach out to their support after you’ve received your order and exchange the Chili cubes for the Ooler cubes. That’s exactly what I did and I’m extremely happy with my overall setup. Until next time, sleep well friends. If you want to watch the full review, you can check it out below.
Can Carbs Give Us Superpowers On A Ketogenic Diet?
I’ve always been interested in peak athletic performance. And while physical health certainly includes reclaiming core foundational health, it goes far beyond that. Peak performance also includes optimizing energy levels and the physique. It’s incredibly beneficial to have consistent strength throughout the day and a body that looks good and increases your confidence levels. In my pursuit of peak performance, I’ve spent the past few years trying to optimize my diet. Because I didn’t know any better, I grew up eating a good old fashioned American diet, which included lots of carbohydrates. My energy levels used to be all over the place. I would totally crash after meals, feeling extremely mentally drained and very lethargic. I assumed that falling energy levels were just a natural part of eating. After all, the body needs to digest food and that requires energy. As I began implementing the Keto diet, and then the Carnivore diet, I started to see drastic changes. My energy levels actually began increasing after meals. Eating large portions of meat would lead to a tremendous surge in energy! But after eating a strict Carnivore Keto for around 24 months, I began to notice a few things that gave me pause. Around the holidays, I would eat “cheat” foods that had more carbs in them. These foods would provide me with a distinct energy boost during heavy lifting days or when I was playing soccer with my brothers. I started doing research to figure out what role, if any, carbs should play in my diet. In the ketogenic community, there’s definitely a stigma around eating carbs. And, to be fair, carbs have become a primary macronutrient in the American diet, which has caused all kinds of health problems for people. But when used very specifically and strategically, carbs can provide some key benefits. Carbs For High Performance The keto diet is extremely effective for a number of key things. It can be really helpful in reversing metabolic dysfunction. It’s also a very effective way of reducing body fat. If you have excess body fat (15-20% for men and 20-25% for women), adopting a keto diet can help you slim down. The keto diet also provides steady, stable, clear energy that supports low-to-medium physical activities and intense cognitive tasks. But what about those times when you need higher energy levels so that you can perform more demanding activities? What about those times when you’re engaging in intense workouts for the purpose of building your physique? When you’re not just targeting a body fat percentage or weight but are actively seeking physical growth? What should you do then? It turns out that you can still remain in ketosis while adding targeted carbs to your diet. In fact, adding these carbs can actually help you achieve your overall health goals. Once you’re metabolically healthy, training intensity is the name of the game when it comes to getting tangible results from your workouts. Carbs can help you reach the necessary intensity levels. Specifically, carbs can help you build more muscle and even burn fat without compromising your overall metabolic health. In order to understand exactly how this works, you need to understand the energy delivery systems of your body. Energy Delivery Systems Now, this is going to get a bit technical but stick with me. Essentially, your body has three energy systems that it uses to supply you with energy. First, there is the ATP-CP system, which is sometimes called the “immediate energy system”. It accesses glycogen that is stored locally in your muscles whenever you initiate any muscle movement. It uses creatine phosphate to resynthesize ATP and only functions for a very short period of time (the first 10-15 seconds of movement). Next, there is the glycolytic system. This system kicks in during short-duration, high-intensity exercises, like when you’re lifting heavy weights for a few minutes. It utilizes the short term supply of glucose that you have stored in your body and transforms it into energy. Even if you’re in keto, your body still makes glucose and stores it in your liver and muscles. It does this through a process called gluconeogenesis. Finally, there is the oxidative system, which provides energy to your body indefinitely. The oxidative system is what allows you to perform endurance activities like running for long periods of time. It converts fat reserves into energy and then parcels out that energy to your body. Carbs and Energy Now, what do your energy delivery systems have to do with achieving peak performance? If you’re going to be doing high-intensity workouts longer than around 20 minutes, it can be very beneficial to consume some carbs so that your glycolytic system has more glucose available, which it can quickly transform into energy. Giving your body this extra “fuel” can help you workout more effectively and achieve better physical results. So, for example, I weigh about 160 pounds. On workout days, I’ll typically consume around 20 grams of carbs about 30 minutes before the workout (a tablespoon of honey). Then, right before the workout, I’ll consume another 20-25 more grams of carbs. This keeps my blood sugar from crashing and provides me with the energy I need to work out intensely for an hour or so. Will I be in ketosis during the workout? Probably not. But because I don’t consume carbs in large amounts after the workout, I’ll be back in it pretty quickly. Now, you may be wondering if adding in targeted carbs before workouts will affect your ability to lose fat. In fact, the opposite is true. In his book The New Rules of Keto , Dr. Jordan Joy writes: In our work, the strict keto group and the targeted keto group (group eating carbs, but maintaining ketosis – monitored by blood BHB concentrations) lost about the same amount of weight. In fact, adding the 20g of carbs pre-exercise helped them lose about 1.2% more fat mass for a total loss of 3.0 kilograms of pure fat vs. just 2.7 kilograms in the strict keto group. For reference, the carbohydrate diet control groups (one supplementing 20g carbs pre-exercise as well, one not) lost an average of just 1.5 kilograms of fat. Clearly, eating the right amount of carbs, at the right time, in the correct form, and otherwise maintaining a low-carb or keto lifestyle is helping, not hurting, fat loss! The bottom line? If you want to achieve peak performance, consider adding in targeted carbs just prior to your workouts. You’ll get better results both during and after. Want to dive even deeper into this subject? Check out this video I made on using carbs to improve performance.
If you want to further explore the science of the relationship between carbs and keto, I highly recommend Dr. Jordan Joy’s free ebook The New Rules of Keto .
3 Power Carnivore Diet Weight Loss Tips
I know what you’re thinking… “I want to lose weight, but there are so many trending Diets. Before it was Atkins, then Keto, and now we even have the Carnivore Diet.
But do I REALLY have to be a strict carnivore... Or can I take some principles from the diet and achieve the same results?”
Good question! And to make an honest assessment we need to give some background on how and why this way of eating is so effective.
As a bonus, we’ll have 3 Powerful Weight-Loss Tips to apply from the Carnivore Diet. So let's jump into what I think three powerful carnivore diet weight loss tips are heading into 2020. If you’re having weight, gut, skin, and even skin issues. This is really something to consider because there's so many anecdotal stories, feedback, and evidence from the Carnivore community supporting the recovery of Health. So here's some the reasons why the carnivore diet specifically can give you some power and really give you an edge when you're doing this weight loss thing: It's low inflammatory - whenever you're inflamed you're going to look and feel more bloated and puffy. So weight Loss is kind of a two-part pronged approach. One is like you want to lean down and manage your weight but the other aspect is you want to look good and healthy .
So when you remove foods and do an Elimination Diet like the carnivore diet, that's very nutrient-dense animal food focused. You're eliminating plant toxins. Plant triggers a lot of the molecules in today's market and you're also taking a lot of food off the table that could be refined processed and triggering inflammation or high histamine load. So if you're not bloated if you're not inflamed, if you're not dealing with some sort of autoimmune or inflammation, you're going to look leaner you're going to feel better and it's going to feel you in a good way. Now. Here's the other point with the carnivore diet that I really want to emphasize before we jump into these three powerful tips and reasons.
The diet itself is super nutrient dense and that is a huge aspect to hunger and satiety to your feeling of feeling full, that your body is naturally going to be triggered on if you're eating carb -heavy potato chips that are processed.
There's not a lot of nutrition in there, but there's a lot of calories and so you're constantly bombarding your body with food and calories,but you're not giving your body the nutrients, the vitamins, the minerals, the full complete essential amino acids from protein that your body wants.
And so your body doesn't feel full when you snack on foods like that. It's delicious, it can be great for the soul. But it's not something you want to be consuming on a regular basis. Certainly not, if you're looking to lose weight and you're dealing with health issues. So let's talk about three specific powerful tips for the weight loss. 1. Keep it low carb In my last blog, I said keep it keto , and low carb and keto aren't necessarily the same thing. The difference between low carb and keto is really fat intake . Fat on ketogenic diets needs to be probably over 70% . Low-carb just means keep your carbohydrate count probably below 20 grams of carbs a day. Weight loss is really about your hormones. Probably the most important thing is your hormones. 2. Tracking Your Intake In a More Loose Way I don't want you to feel like you have to learn how to track macros religiously or use it in a very specific way where you have to do a food calculator and way out all your food, but you need to journal. You need to create some sort of tracking method. Peter Drucker, is a famous business executive and one of his famous quotes is that " which we don't measure we cannot improve " . If you're not measuring, what you don't track, the mind is going to lie to you. You're going to tell yourself stories. You're going to easily forget what you're eating.
Keeping a journal every day. You can go back at the end of the week and you can do a reflection for for a few minutes and you can say oh man, I ate so many peanuts today and that just loaded me up with inflammation and it triggered me and it gave me an extra thousand calories. And yeah, I didn't get satiated on that. So track your stuff. You can go without tracking every single gram if you don’t want to be hardcore.
Now if you want to go macro track. I've done a full video about " Carnivore Diet Macro Tracking " and you can absolutely jump into that and get really deep into macro tracking. I encourage people who want to get into it, to do it because it can be a very valuable way to get a good sense of what you're eating and what you're getting in your diet and how many calories you're actually doing. When you can consciously become aware of it, you can start to then make adjustments
Drop inflammation and basically lose weight without really having to try to fight an uphill battle. You're going to see lower hunger levels and so lastly let’s get light uva/uvb spectrum light from the sun.
3. Light and Sleep. We are meant to experience sunlight. As our ancestors would wander the earth, they would benefit from the sunlight hitting their bare skin. In the same way we’re meant to experience the full spectrum of natural light. 30 minutes of natural outdoor light is a bare minimum. If a tanning bed has a 10 -15 minute Max, do 20% of that but try to give yourself two to three minutes two to three times a week of exposure to ultraviolet A and UltraViolet B radiation.
That light is going to help the body stimulate the prohormone vitamin D3 that is going to be a signal for your body to produce more hormones and to actually up regulate those hormones and give you better quality sleep and better overall hormones for anabolic building blocks for burning fat. SUMMARY RECAP Again, just to recap the three powerful tips one. Keep it low carb, track your intake and do what I do with macro tracking and optimize your light and sleep. It's going to give you a lot of what you need to optimize your hormones when you get ultraviolet A . To Provide you with a resource with the exact cheatsheet and roadmap how to do the Carnivore Diet, we’ve created a Foolproof Roadmap on how to do the Carnivore Diet and we can email it to you.
So I hope that was helpful if you made it this far thank you. Somebody who's maybe struggling with the weight loss or wants to know more about weight loss and if you're interested more in the Carnivore diet. I wrote an entire book The Carnivore Diet |An Ancestral RESET to Optimal Human Health
The Key To Optimal Sleep
Optimal sleep is arguably THE SINGLE BIGGEST LEVER of peak human performance. So why would one ever not take the time to master this area we spend a ⅓ of our lives experiencing? Scientists and researchers today are just now beginning to understand the complexity of sleep. As such an important aspect of human health and physical optimization, I’ve devoted my entire life to researching and mastering the topic to better understanding it. One of the factors that affects your sleep optimization is "light". It plays a huge role in providing you the best sleep you will ever have. LIGHT IN BEDROOM This nutrient, yes that's right I said it, "nutrient," is so important, I wrote an entire book on the topic. Did you know your skin cells have light receptors on them? Artificial light hitting your skin can impact the circadian rhythm and the body's ability to produce hormones and entirely drop into sleep. Weight gain and disease are also being shown with light exposure during sleep. You don't want your body exposed to light while sleeping. Concerning sleep, you must make the room dark to the point that your low light adjusted eyes cannot see your hands in front of your face. The amount of light generated from street lights, buildings, and artificial light sources in a house can be substantially more intense than the moon and stars hundreds of thousands of miles away. Artificial blue light has barely been around for 150 years. Before that, humankind mostly experienced fire and some form of red hues for 100s of thousands of years. Depending on who you talk with, anthropologists say fire was discovered between 1.2M - 200,000 years ago. In either case, that's a massive discrepancy in comparison to artificial light. How long we've had to evolve to adapt to this new light biologically is non-existent, and it's making a significant impact on societies sleep hygiene. Consider blue blocker glasses at night after sunset and consider changing out blue bulbs for red. I found blackout blinds from Bed Bath and Beyond that work exceptionally well and are relatively inexpensive (shopped around Amazon, Google Shopping), $200-$300 to completely blackout my loft. Get a reliable handyman who can install a dowel (think of how your closet hangers sit) across the top of your window/wall and get that area blacked out. There's something powerful about sleeping in total darkness that our bodies experience that allows them to feel safe and drift even deeper into sleep. EVENING LIGHTING As the sun sets, spectrums shift more towards red and away from ultraviolet, violet, and green. Humans discovered fire anywhere from 200,000 years to 1.7M years ago. Removing blue and green spectrums of light. I utilize smart bulbs where I can control the color and change my lighting to match hues of the outside, ultimately post-sunset only red hues close to color from fire. Blue blockers are a valuable tool to implement this further as we're often limited in controlling lighting on our screens (TVs, laptops, iPads, phones) or in restaurants and other establishments. Full disclosure: I'm a big fan of RaOptics Founder Matt Maruca has done an excellent job making lenses that specifically block these frequencies of light while sitting in stylish frames you can wear out. Use code "karnivore" at checkout for 10% off if you decide to pick up a pair. Either way, make an effort to limit blue and red spectrums from hitting your retina and suprachiasmatic nucleus. By limiting exposure to blue and green light spectrums after sunset, you will be avoiding the confusing signal being sent to the human that the sun is still up. Our bodies did not evolve to experience the volume and intensity of artificial blue/green light we now have in society late into our evenings. Remember, we evolved with the stars and fire over the last several hundreds of thousands of years. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb 150 years ago. These spectrums confuse our biology and suppress its ability to produce sleep onset signals and sleep much deeper naturally. DUSK LIGHTING Recently heading into spring and summer, I've been experimenting with using very dim red lights and altogether avoiding large screens TVs, Laptops after sunset. The sun is setting around 8, and I don't turn any lights on after dusk. (Except a 10-watt red bulb in the master bathroom when making final preparations right before sleep to see) Depending on your home's window situation, this may not be practical. But I have noticed a significant increase in sleep pressure, quality, and ability to easily fall asleep quickly when doing this compared with watching TV or staring at a computer screen and having even moderate amounts of red lights on post dusk. When I do this, I am yawning quite strongly around 90 mins post-sunset. During that time activities, I have found quite rewarding that can still be done include: Listening to an audiobook/podcast Streaming show at minimal brightness off my iPhone (smaller screen) Stretching, foam rolling, opening my body up. In cases where you MUST be on your computer or larger screen, I will turn the brightness settings down - I'll also dial in the f.lux setting to a very red hue, night mode to contrast text as white against darker backgrounds and make sure I am wearing a pair of blue blocker glasses. Additionally, below is my video on "How to Optimize this Nutrient for Energy and Sleep!"